Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pop Culture

I met Charlotte King of Pops Co-owners Brandon and Reade DeCurtins about a year ago. I can't remember how we were introduced but I'm sure glad I adopted "pop culture" early.  Now, we get the pleasure of having a KOP cooler and rainbow umbrella in our East Blvd parking lot about 6 months out of the year. Hooray!

King of Pops serves ecologically responsible, fresh, all-natural frozen treats in all sorts of flavors. Some even include local craft beer. A few of our favorites are the Pineapple Habanero, Mexican Chocolate, Girl Scout Cookie Series, Thai Tea, Orange Cream, Lemon Basil, Salted Watermelon, Strawberry Lemonade, Banana Puddin', Blackberry Mojito... ok well damn, that list got a little out of control. You get the idea (to see a full list of flavors click here). You can find their carts all around Charlotte. Follow them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for their daily schedule.

Our NEW FAVORITE flavor is JJ's very own concoction: Chocolate, JJ's Bacon, Cayenne, Sea Salt. JJ's Red Pop is sweet and creamy with a kick!  We had the opportunity to be pop kings for a day at KOP's local Charlotte facility. Some pics below. JJ's Red Pop will hit Charlotte pop stands on 4/24! Let us know what you think by posting a pic of your JJ's pop #jjsredpop @jjsredhots @kingofpopsclt.

pop logo

pop coolers

f r e e z i n g pops

pop sticks

add a little bit more bacon ;-)

 jjs red pop. done. 

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